Concorso di Design Rugvista!


DragonFly_Oval di Hocan Olsson



This design came from playing an early round of golf at my home course. This was the formation of the dragonflyes that flew over one of our ponds.
Denna designen kom frånm en tidig runda golf på min hemma bana. Detta var formationen av sländorna som flög över en av våra dammar.

Sulla Hocan Olsson

Hocan Olsson has been passionate about art and photography since his childhood. His plans were to go into advertising after finishing school, but he got sidetracked and ended up in Canada as a golf professional. He still paints and takes thousands of pictures every year.
Jag har varit passionerad av konst och fotografi sen jag var ung.
Mina planer var att jobba med reklam efter jag gått ut skolan med jag blev i stället en golf pro i Canada. Jag målar fortfarande och tar tusentals bilder varje år

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