Concorso di Design Rugvista!


Play di Sara Larsson



The play carpet is called Play just because the pattern consists of a lot of play symbols. Together the symbols create a playful graphic design that fit both the living and the children's room.
Mattan Play heter Play för att mönstret just består av en massa play-symboler. Tillsammans skapar symbolerna ett lekfullt grafiskt mönster som passar både i vardags- och barnrummet.

Sulla Sara Larsson

Sara Larsson is 32 year old engineer and designer working with product design, furniture design and architecture. Since 2006 she runs her own company A2 designer in Jönköping, Sweden.

Sara Larsson är en 32-årig ingenjör och designer som arbetar med produkt- och möbeldesign samt arkitektur. Sedan 2006 driver hon eget företag i Jönköping, Sverige.

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