Concorso di Design Rugvista!


Rhomb di Nancy Bladfält



The shapes and colors of the fifties are always inspiring. Here I have combined both, for people with retrostyled homes.
Femtiotalets färger och former fascinerar ständigt. Här kombineras bägge, i en modern variant för retroinredda hem.

Sulla Nancy Bladfält

BA in Industrial Design at UiD, Umeå.
Worked as a designer at LEGO, Denmark 1999-2001.
Designed patterns for textiles and other products 2003 - 2015. Working as an interior designer at Sweco Architects.

My style is playful, simple and often inspired by nature.
BA i industridesign, UiD Umeå.
Designer på LEGO, Danmark, 1999-2001.
Formgett mönster för textilier och andra produkter 2003-2015.
Arbetar som inredningsarkitekt på Sweco Architects.

Min formgivning är lekfull, enkel och ofta inspirerad av naturen.

Il tappeto è disponibile anche nei colori:

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